Archive for March, 2012

My Game Dev Blog

Posted: March 30, 2012 in Uncategorized

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Holocaust Reflection

Posted: March 30, 2012 in Misc

Students learning about the holocaust is a vitally important part of our historical education. This allows us to see injustice in the past to be able to recognize it in the future. The ignorance of people is astounding, without some kind of wakeup call, many people will not notice this kind of tragic behavior. People prefer to isolate themselves from learning and recognizing such things (55% of Americans don’t know that the Sun is a star).

I think that if I could become heavily involved with a recent event I would involve myself in the recent shooting of Trayvon Martin. This young man was slain with no thought or reason other than the fact that he is of African American descent. Not only this, but the police let his slayer walk away without even considering to stop him or put him in jail. I think that like the holocaust sometimes people will have to be killed in order for us to realize the injustice of our current society.

Book discussion reflection

Posted: March 9, 2012 in Uncategorized

1. Clay’s quote really stuck out at me (“to hang a child”) because this gives me a sense of how perverted and twisted the nazis had become, there was no feeling or sorrow, just obedience to Hitler. There is no limit to what they would do to please their master.

2. The diary of Anne Frank shows how they were able to live together peacefully, even though the odds were against them… They could have easily blown their cover much earlier on, but because of their faithfulness and perseverance, they were able to overcome the challenges.

3. I am currently very concerned with the current situation in Uganda. Joseph Kony is demonstrating how corrupt and evil the world is. I believe that unless there is some kind of massive movement or revelation, nothing will change. There will always be a corrupted pson that will want power and kill and steal and lie to get it…

This article is the article of discussion this week.

This article brings up an interesting point by saying that people that text typically have worse skills at interpreting words, however I believe that the test they ran is inconsequential and therefore should not be taken too seriously.

Think about it, when was the last time you had to listen to a made up word and determine if it is real or not…. Probably only once or twice if that. People with phones will also generally have Internet access and that means that they can rapid-research.

This article blatantly says: “People that have phones are worse at understanding words”, however I believe that this is influenced by outside stimuli…. People with phones that text frequently generally will pay more for a better phone, those phones can go on the Internet and rapid-research, the owner of said phone and texting habit have less they need to know and therefore it is not the texting that makes the texted bad at interpretation, but rather the fact that they like to text and will therefore be able to rapid-research.

In conclusion, if there was a retest between rapid-researchers and slow learners, I believe you would get a very similar result and in fact you might see an even larger gap. I hope this puts some perspective to the article.

– breathe on