Archive for May, 2012


Posted: May 29, 2012 in Uncategorized

Suspended from a kindergarten class for singing “I’m sexy and I know it”. Can you imagine the shock that the parents of that child must have gone through hearing that? He is just a simple by and was kicked out of class for such a silly reason. The school’s “No Tolerance Policy” clearly was miswritten and that should have been immediately identifiable by the faculty running the school. however as such and incident has occurred I will give you three paragraphs on this this dumb topic because of the requirements put forth by my so called superiors who cannot accept any common logic and should realize that the students of her class are entire cognizant of her lack of understanding of the class. There are three main points of this article, boy, school, sexy.


The boy was suspended for a ignorant reason and as such I find it as a great injustice to blame the child for simply imitating someone that he knows that sings this song. I wonder if the teacher reads these articles. Are you sensing a great deal of passive aggressiveness from me? you should be as I am actually quite mad about this. The child should not have been taken out of school.


The school should have been more flexible to allow the boy to stay in class no mater what the reason was as they should have realized that the boy had only innocent intentions. Not only this but does anyone even really think that the teacher deserves teacher of the year or a spot in the office. Notice how I use a period instead of a question mark to make sure that the sentence does not stick out that much when the teacher reads this. the child should not have been taken out of school.


I find use of this song “I’m Sexy and I Know It” to not be offensive, but rather it is an opportune time for the children to realize that there is a world outside of their petty schoolhouse and they should be more open to accepting others. These children are the ones that will grow up being the xenophobic people that ruin our society. They severely hurt our society and never contribute to it.


Overall I think that the child should not have been taken out of school and that the administration at the building should have been flexible enough to allow a change in the rules so that they would not end up looking stupid on national news. That’s all for now. Jeez I hate articles of the weeks.


-breathe on


AOW – AntiBullying

Posted: May 14, 2012 in Uncategorized

I find that when people start to bully students like this, they are just being flat out immature and ignorant. Many students are not able to handle the social interaction with others in a way that is beneficial for anyone. Many people will just partake in these actions because they are afraid or they are just ignorant of other people. Why are people afraid?


People are afraid of gays not because they are bad or evil or anything of the sort, they just want to hate something. When you ask people why they are not accepting of gays, they will typically respond RELIGION or something of the sort. However, people need to learn that despite their religion, they should  be accepting of all people. If suddenly a religion popped up where people could not interact with other people for any reason other than shunning them do you think people would accept them?


Overall people are evil. It is sad that we live in a world where we have to be concerned about things like this and have to be worried about what others think of us. Why do we have to live in a world where noone can accept another or just come to an understanding? I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.


-breathe on


AOW – KFC Lawsuit

Posted: May 14, 2012 in Uncategorized

Can you imagine becoming brain damaged because of eating chicken? Monika Samaan suffered this fate after eating a chicken wrap in 2005. How can things that you would consider like everyday things possibly hurt you?


We often take many things for granted, what if suddenly you were mugged, or your oven were to explode. We rarely consider these things. However, when an extreme case like this appears, we can take a step back and suddenly see how fortunate we are to not have to be cautious of common things like this.


Brain damage impacts your life greatly, but is it worth 8.3 million dollars? I am sure that many people would be very grateful to receive a fraction of that money. This brings up an interesting question, is it worth it? Would you be willing to take an impaired life  for a significant amount of money?


The true question is, what should we be afraid of? Is a reduced life worth 8.3 million dollars? What do you think?

Book Discussion 2

Posted: May 8, 2012 in Uncategorized

In the second book discussion, we discussed the life living inside the wall. We discussed how it would be an unhappy fate and how many of us would not like to be condemned to this kind of life. Cause I was walkin down the street and out of the corner of my eye I saw someone approaching me. They I want your money not your life.

Be sure you know I ain’t looking for a fight. He said their ain’t no rest for the wicked… Money don’t grow on trees. We also discussed the importance of the Mika character and we decided he is essential to the plot.

Book Discussion 1

Posted: May 8, 2012 in Uncategorized

In this first book discussion, we discussed the theme and meaning of our book “The Roar” as well as our overall opinions of where we think the book is going to go. We have discussed various things including the animal plague and we are all intrigued by the idea that a group of humans may be forced to live in captivity because of some animal hysteria. This seems unrealistic and would not happen.

We also briefly mentioned Mika and his role in the book as the main character and what we think about this. The majority of us agree that we would love to see mor from Ela’s point of view because we believe that perspective would be more interesting.