AOW – Time Management Ninja

Posted: January 2, 2012 in AOW

(I based this writing off of the article JUST DO IT NOW which can be found here)

I believe that this article is true, things pile up when you put them off. When you do something right away, you can do it without a large amount of hassle and that amount does not shrink over time. No, that will grow like a fat kid locked in a newly stocked McDonald’s, your to do list will fill up slowly and eventually you will run out of time (food) and be kicked by your laziness (starve to death / explode of overindulgence). This is my fatal flaw, when ever I see a task, I often will say that it can be done later, but it really cant.

The biggest problem with this particular issue is that you are not punished at the time of procrastination, but rather at the time of attempting to rectify your mistake (/ being yelled at by parent or teacher). This causes the habit to develop further, after all I’m not punished for being lazy, but for trying to do my work, why should I do my work when I will be punished? My sister has taken some psychology courses, and she says that this is one of the most common and deadly downfalls. The effect of being punished when you attempt to rectify your mistakes, for the punished feels as if they were not punished for their initial actions, but the attempt to fix it.

However, I digress,

The real issue here, is not time management or trying to fix it later, it is simply initial laziness and an attempt to save present self some work thinking that the future version of yourself will perhaps want to do the work that your present self was to lazy to do (I HATE YOU PAST SELF! IF I SEE YOU IN A BAR, ITS SHOW TIME!). So I believe that the only way to fix this problem is to take the initiative to do it NOW!

-breathe on

blazingkin (seriously wordpress, my space key is being pressed too many times, and my TAB key is lonely)

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